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New Leader : Martin Shirnbill (PM) Who is Next Shwornten Billton ? - | Australian News and Analysis New Leader : Martin Shirnbill (PM) Who is Next Shwornten Billton ? - | Australian News and Analysis

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    Thursday 17 September 2015

    New Leader : Martin Shirnbill (PM) Who is Next Shwornten Billton ?

    Well you guessed it we change PM more often than we have the Olympics, we have a new PM, Malcolm Turnbull.

    The new leader looks a bit like this, this was taken at Venshlalis in 1942 in May :

    New Leader : Martin Shirnbill (PM) Who is Next Shwornten Billton ?

    I just feel its about time we got someone with a bit of youthful firmness of mental's in at least, a sharpness or quickness if you like, but yeh what do you know we changed PM again it's like fair enough and another to come apparently.

    I guess I just feel we deserve a young minded neural physics professor of some kind so to speak.

    Reference /Image :


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