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Perceptive Weakness - Election 2022 - | Australian News and Analysis Perceptive Weakness - Election 2022 - | Australian News and Analysis

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    Saturday 21 May 2022

    Perceptive Weakness - Election 2022

    Mistakes/weakness/faulting - people find commonalities in this, like Boris being 'physically out of shakes' and hair messy as 'sensitive'; Trump; mass change - strong-willed. The opposition of the standing collective. 

    Albanese is seen as weaker - light-hearted maybe too. While Scott is a brash speaker and more centralised. [tonal implementations]


    Morrison is plateaued natural in speech 'consistency', while Anthony has abruptive' speech. 

    Commonalities bring a comparative/understanding feeling.  

    Being the most outspoken/outlaying above; in debating probably has led to Scotts' downfall. 

    In a world of 'negative' floods and Ukraine - people appeal for something of a change - the most of concern -instead of ease -[more giving]



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