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Saturn Is The Motivator for our Solar System - | Australian News and Analysis Saturn Is The Motivator for our Solar System - | Australian News and Analysis

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    Friday 14 September 2018

    Saturn Is The Motivator for our Solar System

    This article will be short and sweet.

    A source has claimed that Saturn is a Motivator. We assume this means that Saturn is the motivator for our Solar System.

    I did not publish this news from the source at first, but finding out about the Hexagon on Saturn has inspired me to post this.

    Is perhaps this Hexagon a sign of System Design? 'Technology' in Saturn that keeps life going in our system? Or Balance?

    We could assume many things, that this technological or bio motivation keeps the system rotating or spatial density of some kind perhaps, and life existing as we know it.

    --- We apologise for not having more information on this, but you would need to be a scientist (Or an alien...) or perhaps with federal information, and this is all we were told.

    more: plausibility for geometric/geo-matrix furthering


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